Broadcasting, according to Robert White (1999:485) was introduced as a form of military communication in the 1920’s, the apogee of nationalism and government propaganda. Dominick (1990:175) one of the striking facts about broadcasting is that it was invented by young people for example, Marconi who developed wireless transmitter was only twenty-three when he did that and Reginald Fessenden made his first radiophone broadcast when he was thirty-four.
But, can the adult misuse or abuse broadcasting media because it was the brainchild of the young people? So it could be misused by the powers that be. Quoting Aiyetan (2002) Galadima (2003:260) “public office holders believe they can do anything and get away with it as long as they can control media, or get a good journalist to do the dirty job of lying with facts”.
Odumegwu Ojukwu, also observed thus:
But, can the adult misuse or abuse broadcasting media because it was the brainchild of the young people? So it could be misused by the powers that be. Quoting Aiyetan (2002) Galadima (2003:260) “public office holders believe they can do anything and get away with it as long as they can control media, or get a good journalist to do the dirty job of lying with facts”.
Odumegwu Ojukwu, also observed thus:
When a public office holder does something outlandish,the media sing his praises instead of condemning him than concentrating on more important national or state issues. (cited by Gdadima, 2003: 261)
In a vehement support of Ojukwu’s Observation, Ternakur (2003:236) Citing Nwankwo (1987), describes the Nigerian mass media as “government said” media is not out of place. Government reflects the will and interests of the class that controls the existing mode of production, power bloc and political machinery in their media outfits.
Neither the government nor their media workers ever agree that they misuse the media. Every journalist disassociates himself or herself from the term “propaganda”. But Casey (1960:232) “the problem every media of communication faces is separating news from propaganda”. Under a free system, one can distinguish between journalist and a propagandist. Both are interested informers. But, journalists seek news and serve the producers of news and not the consumers of news. In the Nigerian government - owned media, journalists are propagandists. They use all known propaganda devices to achieve the aim of their pay-masters.
According to Junhao Hong, (1997:223), “Chinese government uses broadcast media to conduct propaganda campaigns”. The question is, is propaganda bad? In answer to this question, Ebeze (2003: 219) “Propaganda is not composed of lies and tell stories. It operates with many different kinds of truth, half-truths, limited-truths and truth out of context.”
The author quoted Braque (1999) “modern propaganda introduces new dimensions which tend towards education and enlightenment.
Broadcasting media started in Nigeria in the 1930s. Ebo (1994:43) by 1936, radio made its debut when the first Radio Distribution Service through rediffusion sets became operational in Lagos, Nigeria. But, what is today known as Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS) was first opened on October 1, 1960 when it was called Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation (ENBC). Having operated for forty-eight years now, it will be proper for a study of this nature in order to ascertain from an independent source whether government has used it as propaganda machinery or other wise. For Complete Project Material
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